Originally Posted by crenshawco
Originally Posted by Ben2
Man they are dumb and vocal in the fall. Today I went to move a camera and tan into a group of what looked like 20 birds. I was talking on the phone when I saw them 100 yds away. A few ran off but were very vocal, when I hung up I yelped with my mouth while standing in wide open hardwoods wearing grey shorts and a red t shirt. Well a Turkey yelped back so I yelped again and a big gobbler came running off the hill all the way to 20 yes before he putted and walked off yelping and purring. I heard more turkey noises today than I have in the last 3 springsnl.

I thought yall didnt have any turkeys? If they are there in the Fall and leave in the Spring, you dont have a population problem. You have a habitat problem. Which is what I've suspected about your griping all along

You sir would be wrong we have great habitat for turkeys. Mature hardwoods, 150 acres of ag fields and 20-40 year old pine stands some with no underbrush and others that are thick, 100 acres of 3 yr old cutover, not sure what else a turkey could want or need. I will gladly show you around and let you see it anytime you like.