Originally Posted by Coosa1
Unpopular opinion but it's mine so I'll voice it. I wish the state would go back to two weeks of doe days and set antler restrictions for the entire state. I'm tired of having to drive hours to find a decent population of deer to hunt. Damn coosa county rednecks shoot everything that moves and brag about killing all three of their bucks a year that might have a total of 50" of bone between all three of them.

Oh and get rid of that damn baiting bill while they're at it too!

It’s not as unpopular as you think. In the part of Fayette County I hunt I would love a much reduced doe season. (We have only killed 2 in 5 years on our lease. Our population, this year, is actually really good. Just 2-3 years of reducing doe days would make a huge difference in some parts of the state