I'm a long time deer hunter but I've only played with archery hunting, I got my crossbow out this year and practiced a bit.

I got into my stand about 1:30. At 3:00 a little spike walked out. I watched him for about 10 minutes as he worried a little tree. The I saw another deer out of the corner of my eye. It was behind some brush and kept approaching. After a few minutes I saw it was a buck and soon I saw it was a shooter. Did I say I haven't killed a deer with a bow? Fortunately his slow approach gave the jitters time to settle. I popped him at 35 yards and he donkey kicked as he ran off. I saw him kick again and then I could hear him wheezing. I saw him fall over a few yards later. He's a nice non-typical, 9 points and weighed 115 dressed.

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