Originally Posted By: Todd1700
If you are pro-baiting you are pro-baiting b/c you believe it will either help you kill more deer, help you kill deer with less effort, or help you kill more bucks, or ALL OF THE ABOVE. So if you want to legalize it just admit the reasons behind your support of the new bill.

What a pretentious load. I'm opposed to the baiting ban because it's a stupid, vague, and inconsistent law. Making it illegal to hunt over corn but perfectly fine to hunt over a green patch is like saying you can't kill people with a rifle but you can murder anyone you want with a shotgun. Would that make sense to you? I guess it would since you obviously can't see the same baffling stupid inconsistency in the baiting laws.

What if the speed limit between your house and where you worked was listed as "In the Area of Too Fast" and therefore wide open to the individual judgment of each cop you passed on the highway as to exactly what speed was too fast.

I don't need corn legalized to help me kill does and small bucks (pretty much all you are going to see at a feeder in daylight). Do you know how many deer I pass up a season? Of course you don't, because like many on your side of the issue you don't have any real factual basis for the insults you hurl at the people opposed to the current state of affairs. I could kill 25 deer a year if I wanted. I just have no need for that much meat or the desire to kill small bucks.

But while we are on the subject of easier, how do you hunt deer? On foot with only a spear? If we are going to ban things based purely on what makes hunting easier then there is a helluva list of stuff we are going to have to heap on to that pile of restricted items. For example which of the following makes killing a deer easier, a corn feeder or a firearm? When admit the truth of that question to yourself I guess you will be ditching all your hunting rifles. After all, you would want hunting to be easier now would you. Noooo, you are too high minded and moral for that.

I just ask for all baiters to call it like it is and quit the "corn doesn't really help any ways, I'm just for it b/c everyone else is already doing it and it's no different than tree stands or acorns or foodplots, etc., etc., etc. BS.

Typical but once again no substance. If we are wrong about there being no difference in hunting over green patches then please lay out the facts to us. Is there some strange mystical force in the universe that makes it harder to climb into a shooting house over a green patch vs one near a feeder? Do suitable climbing trees refuse to grow near green patches making it impossible to use a tree stand any where around them? Does it take decades of woodsman hunting wisdom to learn to work the latch on a shooting house door or to be able to open those plexiglass windows? Come on, explain to how sitting near a corn feeder makes you a slob hunter but sitting over a green patch makes you Daniel f###### Boone. Cause I'd love to hear that explanation.

So if you want to legalize it just admit the reasons

And if you oppose it then admit your reasons. Look in a mirror and say, "I have had unsubstantiated bulls### pumped into my brain about corn baiting to the point where I cannot differentiate BS from real facts anymore." AND "The legalizing of baiting would be a recognition that patch hunting and feeder hunting are really no different and then all us patch hunters would officially be no better than the people we have erroneously and baseless called slob hunters for years."

Since we are going to assume insulting things about each other, how do you like my version of it?

simmer big fellow. laughup We are talking about bait here, not murdering people... thumbup

"I don't need corn legalized to help me kill does and small bucks (pretty much all you are going to see at a feeder in daylight)."

There you go again. Just call it like it is... If you want hunting over corn piles legalized you think it's going to help you kill more bucks and down deep you know that it could also help you kill a mature bucks.

I could send you hundreds of pictures of at least 10 different mature bucks just over the past few years that I have over a pile of corn during the day time. Granted the date on those pics doesn't go beyond the end of Sept. but I think it's safe to say that if I had continued to pour out corn they would have continued to show up during the day. Darn thing is when I quit pouring it out the didn't show up as much. And what's even more mind boggling is a lot of these cameras were set up on foodplots. crazy Still got pictures of these bucks but mostly at night...crazy, I know...