Originally Posted by CNC
Be prepared to pay a good bit for a trapper to come in. You may have a little sticker shock. There's really no money in coyote furs from Alabama so the only money the trapper will get is what he charges you. Its labor intensive too and requires them to come out every day for a couple weeks and run the trap line. I learned how to trap and started getting pretty proficient at it in hopes of doing just what you're wanting to have done. When you start telling folks that it'll cost them $1500 or $2000 to trap for a couple weeks though.....they tend to start back peddling on the idea.

If you're not wanting to pay that kind of price and you live close to the land....I'd suggest getting you a dozen traps and start learning. Its actually pretty fun and not all that difficult. There's a trapping store down in Ramer that has everything you need to get started.

Yep. I had people agree to prices and then not pay me for beaver jobs because "I only caught 4-5" and that was all that was in their stream. I tried it as a side gig right out of highschool and quickly realized that it's tough to get people to pay what it's actually worth. That being said though, now that I have a good job I'd be more inclined to do it for a little extra side money plus the fun of it if I had time to do it.