Originally Posted by cartervj
That’s pretty cool for sure. That many ducks would be unreal to watch

There was a time many many years ago when it was not unusual in late season to see ducks funnel in. I’ve seen it in Bellsink swamp and Reynolds swamp. Ive seen the sky black with fowl on Pickwick and Wheeler. The last time was in 2000 I think when we had 8-10000 ducks using a dry field south of Cherokee. AR was froze completely out. Best 10 days of duck hunting in my life bar none

There was a time back in late 80s when we hunted powerhouse lake in Leesburg. Cershaw Quarters and all of Ballplay swamps were frozen over. Until this day, I have never seen that many ducks in the air. They were in the air by the thousands. I have never been to Arkansas or any where else to compare. We actually killed a black duck that day in open water. That is rare.