Originally Posted by Thisldu
Let's assume for second that the global warming guys are 100 percent right. Do they honestly believe that they can can change the climate "back" to what is was 150 years ago by laws and regulations?

I hear them talk about worrying about their grandchildren. So let's look say 50 years out.

So let's give you 100 % control to change all the laws and regulations in the whole world. You think you can control the earth's atmosphere to what is was 150 years ago?

It' all pride folks. Pride is the downfall of man.

Originally Posted by bobwallace
You can bet your last dollar that when politicians get involved, and try to influence public opinion on a topic, the driving force behind it is money and power. And if you do not fall in line and become a part of the group-think mentality, you are going to have a hard time getting funding to prove otherwise. There are numerous world re-known scientists that have been pushed out of their fields and out of academia all-together because they did not fall lock-step with the climate change crowd. Just the fact that this happens is enough for me to distrust man-made, world-ending, life-as-we-know-it-is-over climate change.

This and this goes back to my point of the government wanting to create a doomsday scenario so taxes can save us all. It’s just a big scam.