Hunterturf, I am sorry for your situation. I sure can relate! My stories of dealing with scumbag poachers and trespassers have become somewhat famous. The assholes in the Bessemer area must be the worst! First thing, keep your wife and kids out of the situation. Then make friends with all the LEO you can. Most LEO went into that profession because they hate scumbags and like to kick ass. Then find a few of your badass friends who ain’t scared of shucks and have them hang out regularly if possible. But MOST important, buy an AR15 pistol and carry that thing everywhere you go. I hope you never have to use it, but that by itself is a major deterrent just by its looks. A free man doesn’t owe anyone anything. Do not bribe them or try to be there friends. THey hate you and you cannot change that. Stand your ground! You have the right to protect what is yours!

Hunting brings out the worst in people.