7 or 8 years ago I was laying in bed one evening and my mother in law called from a winding road close to my house. She said a deer had been hit but wasn’t dead and she wanted me to come do something. I reluctantly headed that way and when I got there there were 3 cars and 3 women present. All with their headlights shining on a doe sitting on the centerline of the roadway. Head up, looking around and legs tucked under her just like she would plop down in the woods. I asked what they wanted me to do and they had no idea. While they debated a logical path forward I eased over to give her a look. No visible wounds so I reached over and pulled her ear. She slowly got up, walked across the road, jumped over some guardrail and walked up a hill into the woods. My work was done and I went home and went to sleep.