Last year my son and I walked into a field to climb in a shooting house. To get into this house we had to walk through thick mud that created loud sucking sounds as we cranked through it. Maybe 30 yards of this. Well come into a field and there’s a mature buck 40 yards away licking a branch. I could tell he was massive body but not big enough rack to meet club rules. We freeze and watch him watching us for maybe 5 minutes. At that point we figure well I guess we have to run him off to get into the house, so we just walked in plain view directly across the field making all sorts of racket through the mud. Dang deer stands and watches us. Opened up shooting house windows, got gear set etc, still standing watching us.

I put scope on him and he’s a giant 3 point. Dude stands there for 5 more minutes watching us look at him through the window. He finally walks off.

This was on the day I figure a peak rut, so I guess he’s out of his mind. Strange thing to walk clear across a field with a mature buck just watching you.