mid eighties I was hunting in a river swamp, big trees and pretty open. I had a doe appear and come within 40 er so yards of me. I eased my 25/06 up and fired as the crosshairs held on her neck. BOOM! I could see easily for 75 yards past her. At the shot she disappeared. POOF! Gone. Pretty sure she hit the dirt right there. I saw NO deer run off, would of been easy to see one. Light recoil from the 25. I slowly walked up to see her. NO DEER, nothing, nada. I have no idea where she went or haw she got there. I looked for an hour, still baffles me what happened.

mid nineties I was hunting near leeds on a power line, out of a tripod. Had a rock solid rest over a sandbag. Due to the terrain I could see any deer come out of the woods for maybe 20 yards, then out of sight for 20 yards, then in the open again. A doe came out, looking back. I eased the gun into position. A good buck appeared, then stopped broadside at 250 yards in light sage grass. LEFT side to me. I held steady on his LEFT shoulder and touched off the 7mmRM. He disappeared. The doe ran to my left , then slowly walked back, staring at one spot. I knew the buck was down by her behavior. I went to get help and a Gator to retrieve the buck. We got him loaded and I looked at the left side to see where I hit him. NO HOLE! WTH? Rolled him over and there is a hole in his right shoulder, but it looked like an entrance hole to me. Rolled him again and felt a lump under the skin on his LEFT side..the bullet hadn't exited, was just under the skin. The deer was clearly shot right side to left side...BUT I shot him left side to right side....damniffIknow.

I've spent most of the money I've made in my lifetime on hunting and fishing. The rest I just wasted.....

proud Cracker-Americaan

muslims are like coyotes, only good one is a dead one