I went on a shoot in Cullman back in the late 80's put on by Reliable Rentals...they day leased a BIG field from a farmer up there. The farmer had trapped I think 5 Doves and put little rubber doughnut washer bands on there legs. There were 58 of us on the shoot. The deal was that everybody put $10.00 in the hat and whomever killed one of the rubber banded Doves got the pot....or if 2 or more got one they would split it equally. Got on the field and they had not started flying much. About 15 minutes on my spot I saw 2 coming from across the adjacent pasture....I folded both of them.....and I'll be damned if one of them wasn't a rubber banded one!!! It was a REAL GOOD shoot....think I picked up 48. Went back to the barn where we had met and pulled that banded bird from my pocket and showed it to David Upton...the host...Owner of Reliable Rentals...and the holder of the $$$$Pot. You would have thought I had just boinked his girlfriend by the look on his face....I think he figured no one would kill a banded bird and he could put that pot towards the day lease cost!! I got my $580.00 dollars though....and AU won there game that Saturday....Bama lost.....and the wife Raped me when I got in the Bed that night....an AWSOME day it was!!!!