Yesterday I was at the cash register in a store. A lady with a little boy was in front of me. As she was checking out the kid brought her one of those permanent bags you buy and reuse. Well she told him no and to put it back. At this point, he started howling about her not caring about the world and how old people are destroying the environment.
He was clearly the product of a leftist agenda. I know those plastic shopping bags have been outlawed is several states, but remind me again why the biodegradable "PAPER" bags were abandoned. It was the tree huggers that started that. The sea wasn't full of old paper bags, but the plastic ones don't biodegrade. The old ways are not always the worse. If you look at the stats there are more trees in America now than ever before. These campaigns are always agenda-driven. Follow the money.

Thomas Jefferson. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Life is too short to only hunt and fish on weekends!

If being a dumbass was fatal some of you would be on your death bed!