Our church is having an event where I expect perhaps 150-200 people at this time. That amount could potentially climb, I'll know more later. I have been assigned "smoking duty" since they know I like doing things like this. I'm happy to help, but a little apprehensive about the responsibility since I've never cooked for that many people.

I have rented a very large smoker that can easily handle this amount of food, and probably a lot more. Dual fireboxes, very large smoking box volume, etc. The rental comes with a load of seasoned and split hickory. I anticipate smoking perhaps 14 butts on one chamber and several chickens on the other.

What tips do you pros have for operating a large smoking like this to churn out high quality meat? I've been watching lots of YouTube videos about fire management with stick burners, but my experience (aside from pellet smokers) is limited to managing smoking on my 22" weber. Same principals, just a lot smaller chunks of wood and chamber volume. From what I understand, I should be aiming for the following:

- small fire (control fuel to set temp, not choke it)
- get a good bed of coals in the chamber to begin with, then feed using moderate diameter sticks
- good unchoked air flow
- try to get "clear to wispy blue" smoke, not white
- some knowledgeable sounding sources I've read seem to indicate these large smokers like to cruise more at 250-275 than 225. No clue.
- start a lot earlier than you think you need to … just let them rest in coolers if you get done early

So ... what practical tips can you offer? I'd really like to knock it out of the park, not just avoid disaster!

