As the season goes on, a gobbler starts losing his hens to a degree as time passes & the hens go to nest. They can be vulnerable to calling way up in the morning as his hens leave him & he gets lonesome. He may or may not have gobbled on the roost- if he has- good, you at least know his area. If you have heard him in the morning at daylight but haven't been able to call him up for whatever reason, try him later in the morning & he may be ready to come on to you if his hens have left him. Afternoons can be real good to for even more reasons. Be ready for fast shots at times when hunting them later in the day. Sometimes they can come running & catch you off guard. Have killed several like this that came in fast but never gobbled. Heard them in the leaves & drumming. Wind can also hurt you a lot when going after them like this. You need to really listen hard & also know what to listen for other than a gobble.