Originally Posted by Skinny
I'm looking at a service that processes Visa/Mastercard direct. It may cost a small percentage but both Visa/mastercard have both publicly stated they will not interfere with any business that is legal, even legal gun sales. They were also very clear that if a particular transaction is made illegal then they will comply with the law. That is why they do not process marijuana sales even in those states where it is legal because marijuana selling is still a Federal offense.

I'm in the processing business and could do what you need but knowing how small some of the transactions are I'd probably recommend you use a flat rate processor like Stripe that has no monthly fees and charges the same rate for all transactions. It'll be cheaper in the long run even though a $3.00 transaction will cost you around 38 cents. You could use it and cash app and come out better than paying a processing company once you figure in recurring fees. If a business takes more than 3k a month in credit cards and the average transaction is over $12 then a processing company like mine will definitely save money. Otherwise companies like Square and Stripe are the better option.

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