Today marks 4 months since I started the Keto diet. I weighed 311 on 4/4 and I weigh 261 now. That's 50 lbs for you non math heads. I've dropped 4 belt notches. The shirts that were tight on me in April are now extremely over sized. My B&C sized head, is still B&C sized. I still have passing thoughts of eating something sweet. Those thoughts don't occur often anymore. For the past 2 months my weight loss has been very non linear. I'll lose 10 pounds then stall for 2 weeks, then repeat. I am seeing a doctor who specializes in diet and especially keto and she suspects it's insulin resistance that's causing the weight stalls. She told me last visit that she can test for that and I'm going to have that done. The weight stalls have accomplished one huge thing though. I'm not nearly as driven by the number on the scale as I was when I started. I still want to see it drop, but when it doesn't I no longer see it as failure. I view it as part of the process.

Since day one I never had a goal. People are asking me how much weight I want to lose and I really have no answer for that. I just have no plan to go back to eating junk. According to my body, carbs from any source other than green vegetables are junk. I do still eat tomatoes. I read in RH's post about tomatoes causing inflammation with him. I have not noticed that. Having said that, I'm not as dialed in on that as he is. Other than my bad shoulder, and titanium neck, I don't have any "mobility" related joint problems.

My blood pressure is still high. Too high. That is another clue that I don't know the answer for yet. It could be a measure of my insulin resistance but I don't know. When I started eating keto I really thought that I would be off my BP medication by now, but instead of being on one med, I'm now on 2 of them. Regardless, with my continued weight loss, my BP will eventually drop.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14