Hunting Pressure is real. That is why we have special seasons. Bow hunters don't want the gun hunters to come along and start blasting does making all the deer skittish as hail... the gun hunters don't want the dog guys coming along and chasing their deer all over the county, etc.

The easy solution in my mind is season limits. If you want to go run dogs, fine. Once you shoot 4 button bucks you are done until next year. Same with shooting house hunters. You blast your 4 deer, 3 does and a spike... ok then.... see ya next season.

In my opinion what has been lost in having the length seasons we already have here in Alabama is that nobody small game hunts anymore. All the do is deer hunt weekend after weekend. There are few that squirrel hunt, rabbit hunt, dove hunt after opening day, etc.

Once deer season opens everyone rushes out and rides their tree for 3 months.

If you want to talk about season lengths and bag limits causing kids to not get into hunting and the outdoors, then let's talk about why you don't take them rabbit hunting and the fact that all you ever do with them is put them in a shooting house watching a field and getting bored if they don't pop the first doe that sticks it's nose out of the bushes.

I'm ok with the season length. I'm not ok with our current bag limits. I think everyone should have the ability to shoot a few deer.... then they should go do something else, not just ride the hole and continue popping does every weekend. Plenty of other things to hunt than deer especially for kids and developing that love of the outdoors.

That is being lost in Alabama and IMO the real reason for the decline in hunters over the period of decades. Kids just riding the shooting house blasting does, which is far too easy and takes little to no skill... that's the real problem in my mind.

No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.