Originally Posted By: Skinny
Originally Posted By: Hogwild
Anyone notice how the one's that are ALWAYS openly vocal against baiting are complaining the loudest because of this????

If you are against baiting, you are against ANYTHING that will legalize it.

So, carry on! smile

Not true, I really dont care if baiting is legal or not. I however do care about a law being passed the only allows those with the ways and means to do it legally can do it. How on earth can a guy who leases 100 acres legally pull off baiting the way this bill is written? Or what about those who hunt public land? This seems like a bill that is written for only those people who own enough land to do it. Baiting for the privileged? And just before any of you call me out, I am one of those privileged who own enough land to do this legally under the way the thing is written.

I understand your line of reasoning, and you are conveying your concerns as such......and they are valid!

But, I think that it is gonna pass sooner or later. And, when it does, there are STILL going to be a lot of people who will find fault with it no matter how it is written.

I am pretty sure that it does NOT say that you have to bait! smile