Originally Posted by James
Originally Posted by headshot1
I don’t think it has anything to do with preparation after the kill or before cooking. It taste like liver to me and I can’t stand it. If you think about it though you are cooking ground deer well done, no w cook a tenderloin like that and tell me what it taste like?? I do know people that say there is no difference in ground beef or venison but I’m not one of them.

If it taste like liver then you're eating a gut shot deer that's been rode around in the back of pickup half the day

I may not be the best shot in Alabama but I’m good enough to know when they are gut shot and when they aren’t. I also don’t condone riding a deer around in the back of the truck half of the day showing him off either. People have different taste buds obviously. I have a Hobart grinder and grind deer for friends who say it’s awesome but it’s definitely not for me.