Antlerfluke, I know plenty of high school drop out mechanics and HVAC folk that don’t know their ass from a hat. I even beat one down right after I retired because I wanted one quart of synthetic mixed with my regular oil. He got pissed because he thought he knew better and made the mistake of coming for me with a crowded waiting room. He lost everything, got locked up, drank from a straw for a while, is blind in one eye now, and I sued him and the Jiffy Lube, and won.

I only knock liberal biologists having a role in hunting programs.

I don’t give a rat’s behind about herd management for large racks or healthy herd and if Alabama did they wouldn’t have passed baiting. Baiting just artificially ups the numbers of all animals by supplementing the food source beyond what is naturally sustainable. Same thing with minorities and white trash !!!!


Last edited by JohnnyLoco; 07/08/19 08:57 PM.