You are both too kind; thank you. Parsnips can be boiled and mashed like creamed potatoes, roasted with a bit of olive oil, S&P or cooked just about any way you would cook a carrot. They are very similar. For clarification, these veggies were grown in my raised beds at our house in Mississippi. Growing carrots in raised beds with good loose soil is easy and they are so much better than what we buy at the grocery store.

I was proud to see bunches of earth worms in my beds when I dug my garlic too!! Several years ago I ordered 2000 red wigglers and distributed them in my raised beds to help keep the soil from compacting. They have done their job very well and seem to have flourished....I have fish bait anytime I want it!! LOL!!!

Thanks again and yall have a great weekend. Oh, Marsh how many ears of corn did you wind up with? Curious minds and all......

Last edited by Maggie123; 06/28/19 02:50 PM.

Be kind to one another and tell the ones you love that you love them often. We never know what tomorrow will bring.