I think one thing we forget about on here. People are at different places in there life. From old AF like Fred and pawpawperch to teenagers like au7m08 and Gary's fluffer. I love sitting around and kicking the Bobo as much as anyone, I don't know outback anymore than 99% of y'all. But I bet money he's a decent dude in real life, and has his friends back. Sometimes jokes land , Some don't. I didn't read the thread but I can tell y'all one thing. The closer we get to this election, the stress level on here is gonna be on 10. So we gonna need to act accordingly.If you can't be on your phone or PC without popping a vessel. 1 cut off device 2 Go do some country boy chit.3 Don't watch news when you come back in. Repeat as needed. That goes for you too outback. laugh that being said, it's fixing to be Fri so maybe someone else will get on this thread and cuss each other out, but that's just me.

Last edited by goodman_hunter; 06/21/19 04:25 PM.

For without victory, there is no survival