
The people with QDMA were generally advocating heavy doe killing when I was there. If they are now advocating restraint in killing does, that is a new approach for them.

The Ft. Rucker study may have changed some minds.

Statements like these were not uncommon:

CAB Meeting, May, 2007 page 60
22 MR. DITCHKOFF: If you want to
23 properly manage deer on a piece of
1 property, what you need to do is take
2 a look at the condition of those deer
3 and you need to take a look at
4 actually what the condition of the
5 habitat is, whether or not it is being
6 overrun.
7 I honestly don't think you can
8 kill too many does on a piece of
9 property

Similar statements were being made in the QDMA meetings that I attended.