Yes I saw where Tim caught an 8+ in the Sylacauga tournament, but even he would tell you that's 1-in-a-million. I'm as argumentative as the next guy, but if y'all are truly trying to argue with me that it's expected and normal to catch 8 pound fish on the Coosa, in the Summer (or honestly any time), then you're just trolling to stir to me up.

And Beadle, I'm not disillusioned about my own skill, but I'm good enough to have caught ONE simply by lucky odds in 45 years of fishing twice a week. It's not about individual skill, it's simply about odds. THAT is what I'm so shocked by when I see these weights, and THAT is why I joke that God just ordains some guys to do stuff that isn't humanly normal. IT'S AN ARGUMENT OF ODDS, NOT SKILL!!!!! And then how much more are those odds compounded when we're talking about catching that fish in a major tournament? And then how much more above THAT are those odds compounded when you're a traveling professional who may have never even fished the lake?

We were on the edge of Eternia, when the power of Greyskull began to take hold.