Originally Posted by Hix14
Originally Posted by Sasquatch Lives
Think your deer are nocturnal now, wait until you start baiting!

Maybe it's not the "baiting" per say, but all of the traffic in and out of the bait sites refilling the buckets, checking cameras, etc. That's what will turn the mature bucks even more nocturnal. A food plot is a little different. You plant, it rains and the plot grows. It continues to grow all season no matter how hard it gets pounded. Rarely is there a need to be walking around a plot during season, so it stands to reason a plot will have much less traffic than a bait site. My 2 cents.

I am in your camp. we have not had to feed constantly to hold or grow deer. We "farm" for them and are trying to be selective about shooting bucks. We have as good a deer herd and we are seeing more bucks than ever. big surge in seeing deer and bucks last couple years has been limiting traffic and unnecessarily creating pressure the deer react to.