Originally Posted by Hogwild
I see it slightly different than that.

This Bill has been introduced in various forms for many years in the AL Legislature; which is where Laws are made/modified/deleted. The Legislature is made up of elected Representatives of the citizens of AL. The few polls that I have seen are all similar to the one I posed above showing overwhelming support. So, I feel like the Bill supports the majority of people’s desires.

Now, we all know that our DCNR in the past has either kept quiet, or actually resisted the issue of legalization of Baiting. That changed the past few years with what appears to be support of the efforts of those who want to supplementally feed the deer on their hunting properties.

In what I see as a compromise, it does appear that there was a resolution made by the DCNR to remain neutral and silent on the issue and let the votes be made without any bias from them. But, in return, they were given the Authority to cease feeding if required for Biological reasons and to also generate revenue for the Dept to offset the loss of fines and such and to help support their budget.

So, yes, money was involved. Anyone who thinks it is not a primary consideration in almost ALL decisions that are made is quite naive. But, I do not think that it was the driving force behind this Law that was created by our Legislature.

I agree