I for one am not pleased with the bill passing. I run a club and this is going to be a struggle. I am concerned that we will lose more of our mature bucks as a result of being able to hunt over bait and on the flip side, I don't want to lose members because I don't allow hunting over bait. We have had feeders set up in designated locations following the old law but this just creates too damn many problems. I plan to wait and see what the bill actually says once the gov signs into law. I know other states like Kentucky, Georgia and Texas allow it they all have trophy bucks taken consistently, but I just don't consider it hunting one bit. At least with food plots, you have to work the land and grow the crop, putting a feeder and climbing a tree next to it doesn't take much skill of any kind.

I am sure our neighbors will be taking advantage of the new law so we will have to compete for the deer. I guess they are probably more worried about us than we are about them since we have 13 members and some don't mind spending the big $$$. This could turn into Game of Thrones real quick.

"Don't cling to Mistake, just because you spent a lot of time making it."