Originally Posted by FurFlyin
Originally Posted by TickaTicka
Originally Posted by FurFlyin
Boys and girls, I just checked and I am in Ketosis! I can almost smell the fat burning LOL

You over 1 mmol/L?

My blood tester came in today. 1.3 mmol/L

Down 7 pounds in 7 days after losing 3 or so pounds in the previous couple or 3 weeks of eating low fat, healthy carb diet. I’m sure some of it is water weight but weight is weight. I feel good and have more energy and stamina than I did a week ago. I’m doing an 18 hour per day intermittent fast in conjunction with eating a Keto Diet. The first couple of days I ate mostly animal protein and fat. I have since mostly changed to trying to eat at least 1/2 my fat from vegetable sources. Today didn’t work out that way but the past couple of days has.

One thing that is sort of concerning or confusing is that I feel great until I eat. I feel sluggish, bloated and miserable for an hour or so after eating. It doesn’t matter how little I eat, I still feel that way. This morning after an 18 hour fast all I had for breakfast was ONE boiled egg and still felt like crap until mid morning. Felt really good, then ate lunch, a steak and a lot of steamed broccoli. Felt like crap til about 2pm and felt really good since.

Perhaps it’s because I don’t have a gallbladder and my body has to make it on demand. I still don’t know why that would make me feel bad overall.

Any ideas on that?

This is an adaptation thing, mostly. Your body is now is trying to figure out to use a different energy source. You are probably not ideally keto adjusted yet.The immediate glucose surge on eating is now absent, a previous hormonal event that cause a huge spike in blood glucose, insulin and other hormonal peptides. You've stripped that away. Your cells will have to adapt to getting used to no immediate rise in available glucose and to use either glycogen stores or ketones.

Some people never notice it, some it makes physically ill. Sounds like you are working through it. Raising your ketones above 1.5 mmol/L will help advance that too, at least in theory.

Sounds like you are on the right track.

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