Originally Posted by R_H_Clark
Fur,when I started this journey,I started with the Carnivore diet. I had some back and knee problems though and was interested in how certain foods can cause inflammation. I ate nothing but meat and plain water for a solid month. Scratch that,I did have to start taking a fiber drink to keep crapping right.

After that initial month,I introduced single foods into my diet,waiting about two days to add something else. It takes so long for food allergies to effect the body that it's about the only way to isolate any problem foods a person may have.

What I did was start listening to my body,and honestly just listening to the Lord. I don't think God is mad at us for being fat but I do think he will tell us the right things to do if we listen. Most of us call it a conscience.but the Lord is constantly speaking about all kinds of things,including what we need to be healthy,.but I digress.

The way I eat now is a development of more than a year,learning how certain foods effect me.The way I eat,may not be right for everybody but it's working for me.

What I am convinced of is that sugar and refined flour is the Devil. I've read studies that say Sugar is basically responsible for Cholesterol in the arteries. A Cholesterol molecule (excuse my unscientific explanation) is too large to be absorbed through eating it in food. The body produces Cholesterol more depending on how you eat,but it does not come directly from your foods. Cholesterol is produced to stop the erosion of the arterial wall caused by Sugar eating away at it according to some new studies.

Another biggie for me is to keep the colon and intestine clean. What I mean is that,I can tell now when I have undigested food inside me. I can tell that undigested food makes me sluggish. You know that feeling of misery after pushing away from the Thanksgiving table,or how it feels to lay down at night and hope all that supper settles down soon? I don't have that feeling any more. I NEVER want to feel that way again. I don't have any acid re-flux any more,and it was getting serious before,having aspirated in my sleep and nearly died a year ago.
Now,if I eat big one day,good stuff ,just a lot, I'll eat very light the next day or two until all that food is processed and I feel nice and empty and light again. If I were to eat a big steak or a couple chops,I can tell now that it basically takes 3 days to completely digest and I will be sluggish until it's gone,compared to different foods.

Another thing is not to starve yourself. Your body will go into starvation mode and you won't lose much. I might have a light day or two or even fast a day, but no longer than a day or two. From the beginning,I have ate anytime I was hungry. It was always something healthy,or just not,sugar,bread,rice,potatoes,or pasta. I haven't cheated even once. As I have progressed,those foods have just gotten less and more healthy. It doesn't take nearly as much to fill you up or keep you going when you get 110 lighter.

I know from the last year that when I eat clean, I feel better and when I don't eat sugar, I feel better. For me sugar might as well be heroine. I'm addicted to it and when I'm off it, I have to be a "tetotaler" because if I eat a little, I fall back into that trap. I've just had to get to a breaking point, wall, crossroads, or whatever term you'd use to describe where I'm mentally at, to be serious about this. I've thought I was there before but it feels different this time. I've literally been overweight since I was born. I'm not ever gonna be skinny, it's just not in my genes. I'd just like to get to where I feel good again.

I know you lose water weight when you start a diet but I've been eating really clean, no crap carbs, for the past couple of weeks, so I don't think I would lose water weight starting this keto thing. Anyway, I've lost 4 lbs since Thursday. I don't think that it's possible for me to be in Ketosis yet but if I can drop weight that fast I don't care if I am or not. I've got to get some of those strips.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14