Originally Posted by WmHunter
Originally Posted by centralala
I'm just saying Reagan scratched the backs of the ones backed him. I would too. Dang helping the guy that didn't support me before helping the ones that did.

Well someone has to benefit from having given major support to help someone go all the way to the White House.
Like getting a federal job or appointment as an ambassador somewhere. Those are normal things. And nothing wrong with that. To the victor belongs the spoils of government patronage.

But Reagan was a man of **principle** - conservative anti-socialist, anti-USSR, principles. Who just like Trump fought for those principles as a two term governor of California and a two term president. He loved the Constitution and constitutional principles.

He fought for a decrease in the size and scope and cost of the federal government, tax reform and tax cuts, cuts to regulations, and was pro-military and went man to man with the Russian USSR in the Cold War, and he fought that war to win it. And he did. Virtually single handedly, but yes Margret Thatcher, Pope John Paul, and Lech Walesa and the Solidarity Movement (encouraged by Reagan's actions) led to the collapse of the USSR - long before anyone ever thought it would happen.

Reagan was a nationalist and anti-globalist.

He supported anti-communist efforts all over the globe.
Sometimes more then he was supposed to, like crossing the line re Iran-Contra.

He was one of the greatest presidents of the 20th Century, and we have not had a good one since him until Trump.

Damn right! He was also a damn fine commander in chief and I’m proud to have served during his presidency.

Proud Army and ALNG veteran
God Bless America!