Originally Posted By: jlccoffee
Originally Posted By: 04 Spoiler
Originally Posted By: perchjerker
If cull bucks have poor racks , how do you identify cull DOES ?
Since 50% of traits come from the doe. How do you ID a cull doe ?
By killing the buck you have only solved 50% of the problem.See how ridiculous this is ?
The way to effect antlers is age and nourishment, not a trigger finger.


If antler traits are 50% heritable from the doe and 50% from the buck as you suggest, then killing the bucks with an undesirable trait would solve more than 50% of the problem. Those "cull does" you can't identify would have a greater chance of being bred by a buck without the trait (you killed the ones with the trait) so you would have a lower incidence of the trait in the offspring of those does. Do that another gerneration and you have an even lower incidence. Another generation and you have an even lower incidence. Eventually the incidence would be almost undetectable.

If your description of 50% from each sex is correct, then it is simple math.

Probablility and genetics are far from simple math.

"Any way you look at it, most of the problems facing baboons can be expressed in two words: other baboons" -
D.L. Cheney and R.M. Seyfarth