Originally Posted by FurFlyin
Why are you having swarms? I'd think it's too early for a reproductive swarm.

Are they swarms or absconding?

Would have thought so but we have loads of drones, and though 10 days ago I did not see any queen cells, Pate, my buddy who had the swarms last month found 8 queen cell in just one box. He has more than 60 hives and a three dozen nucs and getting to all takes time. Miss just one and you have a swarm. So there are still many bees in the 8 hives I have at Dads and still had lots of bees, though a couple seemed a little light so not absconding. Went in each hive before pulling a a frame of brood to place in the nucs that I put the swarms in order to help hold them and all the hive had bees. Pass three weeks of nearly summer weather seems to have made the girls crazy.