I'd be careful if you're looking to get into an older model 202 model blazer (2002-2006 model years I think) on the cheap. They had some serious problems with the hulls blistering 3-12 months after leaving the factory. I was fishing a ton at the time and personally knew of two guys that bought them new, straight from the factory, roughly a year and a half apart that had that blistering problem with them on the bottom of the hulls. Now that being said, there were tons of other guys running them at that same time that I knew that did not have a single problem with theirs. They are fast but they are not a bullet and they dont drive like one. I'd definitely go Bullet if I had to choose between the two. Klay on here had good deal recently on a super clean Bullet that he might still have. Performance tuned 250 yamaha on it and it sounds just like what you're looking for. If you fish a ton of rough water, you dont want either the bullet or the blazer. Both will beat you to death and driving the Blazer is work. Never owned one but have driven a bunch of them and the ones I've been in all had a tendency to want to "walk".