You see. Some people don't even appreciate it when try and fight for them. I am on the hunter's side. Whose side are you on ? When we push for change and we disaprove of of things like high lease prices ,etc. We are taking a stand for our hunting. Its not about just wanting to bitch. You need to be thankful for the work people like Warren Strickland and others have done to implement changes in our deer hunting. He fought for us when the State was telling every hunter to go out there and kill every dam thing that that moved. A buck and a doe a day ! What some freaking Idiots ! And there were hunters who balled over that like a baby with a pacifier yanked out of his mouth ! Well its not perfect but Warren Strictland and others aided in stopping that BS. And I know we hunters can't control everything but we can do a lot. But we got to get on the same page. You can't be saying dumb crap like "What's your point" etc. Some of you guys have had my back in these forums and I appreciate it. Changes never come from people who want take a stand. Heck. Put up some kinda fight. Might lose but count me in !