Ok Shotts he’s not your guy. His whole premise is based on developing a test that detects “the bacteria that causes CWD” when there is no science showing bacteria causes CWD. Again, you put a diseased prion in a tube with a healthy prion and no bacteria and you get two diseased prions. Gonna be waiting a long time for that test of his.

The hard fact of the matter is that decreasing population densities (or wholesale extermination as you call it) is the only way to fight a deer disease that has no known cure and persists like CWD does. If Bob has an infectious disease with no cure, you quarantine him. It’s disease 101 I think you would agree: Since you can’t quaratine deer, you kill them. Lots of them. There’s a real world case scenario of Illinois and wislnconsin that shows the effectiveness of this method at slowing the spread.

Last edited by Swampdrummin; 02/12/19 10:49 PM.

Quack quack.