Though we killed two mounters and about 15 other bucks/does on our 1,200 acre lease this year, it's felt like one of our worst season too. The number of deer seen was lower than normal and our rut was nearly non-existent. I maybe saw four scrapes that were fresh and barely any rubs around our property. The huge tract below our lease said it's the worse season they've even had in terms of killing bucks. They say it's due to a bumper acorn crop and the deer not using the food plots as much this time of year.

Oh well. That's why it's called hunting, not killing! Bring on them thunder chickens!! At least i don't have to get up and shower every morning, spray down head to toe before heading in, and worry about the wind!

Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll sit in a boat and drink beer all day.