Originally Posted by centralala
The problem is cost of freight to get the lime to wherever you are and the spreaders have been screwed by hunters in the past on food plots. Small plots they can't turn around in, bad access, stumps, getting stuck, etc. The last I had spread on plots was $40/ton the best I remember. I got a little better price because they had done mine before and knew their wasn't an issue they would have to deal with...at least that is what they told me.

The big price driver is trucking, but the trucking to get the lime to the co op if there isn't any limestone close. NA is fortunate in that respect no shortage of limestone quarries. I suspect having to truck it from long distance in LA is what gets those guys. The quarry our co op gets lime from now is about 5 miles from them.

"Why do you ask"?

Always vote the slowest path to socialism.