Originally Posted by ALFisher
If you plant 60-70 fruit trees this time of year, I hope you (1) have a lot of time on your hands to make sure they are properly watered, or (2) don't care if you get a good bit of die off on your trees. If you want more detail, I'd be glad to explain.

Having planted fruit/nut trees, my advice would be that I would do this only as a last thing I do to improve my property after I have limed it, supplemental feed on it, fertilized native browse,built jam up food plots and mineral sites, and burned it. Then and only when would I worry about what kind of trees I have around.

Of course, my opinion isn't worth squat, so do what you like.

I agree with this. Fruit trees, if you have a lot of them, are a ton of work. They're hard to cut around and maintain, easy to kill em, and only drop once a year. It's easier to manage wild persimmon trees that are already mature and producing.