I'm an oddball and sometimes I even surprise myself. I never had a real interest in bow hunting. My mantra was, "I like to find the deer I shoot." Well come New Year's I had a bit of gift money that I had every intention of putting towards a gun safe. Ended up leaving Field & Stream with a Diamond Edge SB-1. I am addicted. I shoot every day now. I have been at times amazed by the accuracy of the bow and at times befuddled by its inaccuracy. I now know why.

The guy who set up my bow seemed very knowledgeable and was extremely helpful and nice. Seemed genuinely interested into helping somebody get into the sport. A couple things about the bow - it's a package deal so obviously it doesn't have the nicest accessories. I absolutely hate the sight (Apex Gear 3-pin). The pins are ridiculously hard to adjust and I actually ended up stripping the 30 yd pin bolt. Will be in the market for a new 3-pin or 4-pin sight soon, just a nicer more easily adjustable piece. So if you have any recommendations in the $50-100 range drop them below. I actually love the rest. It's an Octane Hostage (not the Pro). I wanted a Whisker Biscuit but I see the advantage of this style over the Biscuit. Problem is - as knowledgeable as this guy was, he sold me 6 Victory "Decimator" arrows that come nocked for a traditional bow, cock vane out. Little did I know, Biscuits and the Hostage style rests require cock vane up. So I think this explains the inconsistent accuracy and torn up fletchings I've dealt with. I've actually shaved the bottom brush of the rest in half with the vane of the arrow. And apparently the replacement brushes are unobtainium (have some shipping to me now, hard to find).

Since there's no point in shooting until I fix the rest, I thought I'd try to get recommendations on a place around Shelby County/Bham to get the bow tuned up when it's back up and running. I read one thread with high praise for Nichol's in Pelham. Others said Hoover Tactical. I know and use Mark's quite often too. And I don't want a place that will take the bow, "tune" it, and call me when it's ready, I want to have the bow smith watch me shoot and make adjustments as he sees fit.