One of my best tracts of land (for buck pictures) is right at 150 acres and is very hilly and thick. It was clear cut probably 25 years ago and just left to grow back on its own so for the most part it is trash hardwoods and is just now getting open enough to be able to see 50-60yds in most spots. There is one good hardwood bottom running through the middle with a few white oaks that I have done a little clearing around to reduce competition. The property is bordered on all sides by leased timber company land in various stages of growth which is where the majority of my deer bed. There are a few food plots within 200yds of our line but none on our place as the access/soil type is not very conducive for planting on our tract. I always have several real big bucks on camera on this tract right before bow season and then they disappear till rut and will cruise through from time to time and it just seems as though they don't stay on our place much.

With it being as thick as it is, these deer are just hard to hunt with visibility being so poor. My question is, would you work on clearing small areas via hack and squirt/chainsaw or hinge cut and leave laying for added cover and increased visibility from a treestand?