Centralala You ask what will more deer die of where CWD is found I think hands down it would be E H D and blue tongue Last year every county in the state of Alabama lost deer to E H D and Blue Tonuge I would think the numbers would have been in the thousands Which on farms you find the dead ones in the wild you never see all the dead ones And don't let Matt Brock tell you that there is a cure for E H D and Blue Tonuge I have heard him tell a group of people that was a top dressing for the feed to stop this A load of BS There is not a cure for C W D either and its something we need to watch not run out and kill everything because you find one sick animal That is about as dumb as saying if a family member has cancer kill all the rest of the family and test them for cancer Wait if you kill them and they are not sick its to late for a live test