Originally Posted by TravisBatey
Originally Posted by bobwallace
I used to post on there quite a bit. Hell, I even met up with Gobama and went hunting out of kayaks with him one time. Peculiar doesn't even began to describe that gentleman.

He didn’t take you for a ride in his mini van did he?

I’d bet y’all put out at the fackler bridge, I use to always see him right there when I’d pass by or hunt in that area.

Ha. Put in at Mud Creek launch beside the BBQ joint. And hell no I didn't get in that van. When I met him at the gas station, he was asleep in the van with the nose of the kayak on his dashboard and the tail end hanging out the open back hatch of the van.

And yeah, he was a coot eating fool.

Yeah, well, I always heard there were three kinds of suns in Kansas: sunshine, sunflowers, and sons-of-bitches.