Originally Posted by NWALJM
I'm doing my hunting primarily in TN now. It just makes more sense given the short distance I am to better deer populations and wildlife management in general. I'll hunt a few times in Alabama once the TN season is over and the rut kicks in here. The last 5 years of hunting the areas of Alabama I had been hunting nearly drove me insane and definitely proved we have a DCNR out of touch with actual deer numbers and appropriate management plans to help with that. I'll even take it a step further to say that antler restrictions in Alabama are still not restrictive enough.

I too used to focus the majority of my hunting in Alabama too (hunted almost everyday I had off) until thanks to the lack of hands on management the State let the deer population get pummeled where I hunt. It now makes more sense to me to drive 8 hours to a State that has much better deer numbers. I hunted less than a dozen times in Alabama last even though I live on 96 acres and lease 1500 acres. There is a good chance I will hunt even less here this year. My hunting enjoyment has less to do with killing alot of bucks, but more with actually seeing deer so with the current direction the State is taking I doubt my hunting will increase any for a long time in this State. Hell I used to love taking guest and new hunters to the woods, but not now because chances are they are not even going to see a deer.

Life is too short to be small !!
