According to Sykes, legislation would have to be passed to get the processor's numbers. I have personally asked him that and that was his response. He said it would never happen due to processor's against providing the info of the number of deer they handle. Back in the 80's & 90's, doe season was a week or less between Christmas & New Years. If you had a club with a state biologist input, they checked your property and could issue additional doe tags. We always saw deer on each hunt. We had some rules setup that helped our herd grow in our little parcel of land (2500 acres). Due to our rut starting in early January, we made sure our doe tags were filled by 12/31. We had one other rule and that was if you kill a buck, you had to mount it or pay $250.00 This kept the brown it's down members in check. By year 5, our does were averaging 120-125 lbs. and it wasn't uncommon to have anywhere from 10-15 rack bucks harvested each season. I won't name the club but it wasn't far from the paper mill off of Van Degger Hwy near Grove Hill. As the quality of hunting went up, so did the dues. Some on here might know this club and I hope they're still having the success we had back then. I just can't justify $3000.00+ for dues a year.

I came, I saw, so I killed them all......Vern