Wild ryegrass gave us fits for years in Marengo Co. We would break ground, then a couple weeks later a mat of green toothpicks would emerge. Then we would plant and shallow till the seed only to find more volunteer ryegrass mixed in with our grains and finally suppress most of what we planted but the plots looked pretty due to all the ryegeass. Told my problem to a couple local farmers and this is what I did for two years to get a handle on the stuff. We did a total gly burn down in early spring before it went to seed, then in the fall planted wheat only along with a broadleaf mix. Soon after planting, every thing had germinated, along with the ryegeass but not as bad due to spraying in the spring. A couple weeks later when it was warn and dry enough to drive over tilled ground( prairie dirt ) we sprayed Axial XL(Pinoxaden), a herbicide used to kill grasses in wheat. A couple years later we were back to a wheat,rye,oat mix along with our broadleafs.