Originally Posted by GKelly
2 GWs where im from told me at the Stockyard Cafe a couple years ago that if it was 101 yards and behind a bush it was legal and that was the way the law is written and how they are interpreting it. Id like to see a GW try to explain to a judge why he wrote a ticket for corn 150 yards away and out of view when the code of alabama clearly defines what is and isnt legal. Ive seen a few local police officers get their asses chewed for wasting the courts time. an officer can charge you with anything its the courts job to convict you. most people just take it sitting down because its cheaper to pay the ticket than pay an attorney.

even though you were the deer when shot was 50 yards from the feeder and headed that way . . you'll pay a ticket .

plus the law does not define what is legal , that is left up to the GW

Last edited by Frankie; 11/14/18 10:21 PM.