Originally Posted by foldemup
I got a related question....besides throwing them away, what’s the best fix for rotten heads that I don’t want to touch. Lightning struck my house and fried my freezer that had 3-4 deer heads and 2 turkeys and a bunch of deer livers and feet and turkey beards and feet. Didn’t know it wasn’t working for months. It’s so rank I don’t want to do anything but take the freezer to the dump, but I sure would like those heads European mounted. Should I just sling them in the woods somewhere and let nature work them over? Should I wrap the antlers in something to keep rodents from chewing them up?

You're gonna just have to put some Vick's VapoRub under your nose, pull them mofos out, then put them straight into a pot of boiling water. Smell should subside once they're getting cooked down.