Originally Posted by marshmud991
It's not that hard to understand. Either his sister or sister in law file for protective order to remove weapons from house. Judge signs off on warrant before subject is evaluated and cops go to serve warrant because of this new law. Home owner opens door with weapon in his hand. 1st red flag. Now cops are on edge and ready to escalate if needed. Subject put the gun down. Everything is good. Cops serve warrant. Man gets irate( can't say that I blame him)and grabs gun ( this is where he messed up) and struggle starts. Gun goes off cop shoots man. Cops follow use of force continuim protocol to a T but it should have never gotten to this point. That law is down right wrong and the subject should have had a chance to prove if he is stable before the order was activated. In my opinion all parties involved, from the person makins claim, judge, police and the old man was wrong. I know he died protecting his rights but it should have never ever came to that.

Very well said.

not sure what the best way to handle them is but they shouldnt be on tv and gettn married and raisin kids