Originally Posted by Abbhudson
Originally Posted by chad1980

Did I miss something in the article that said it was murder? Is there not an investigation that will take place? Anytime someone is killed by a cop, there is a faction of people that love to scream murder? How do we know this is murder at this time? If the man would have complied he would not be dead, just like any of these other people that do not comply and get shot by police. Am I wrong?

Didn't comply with the government robbing him of legally owned property...what an asshole.

There is a right way and a wrong way to handle things period. I am not saying that the law is right. I am saying that maybe it could have been handled differently, and there would not have been a loss of life. If this was about someone that got pulled over and wouldnt sign a ticket and wouldnt give a cop his license and started fighting cops, would you have this same stance? Let all the facts come out, then make your judgement.